Design Task: Noise Levels

Workplaces of any kind (offices, co-working spaces, coffee shops, homes) often produce noise, which can affect human performance, creativity levels, and even health. Design a mobile application / web page to measure, track and analyse noise levels. For this design task, you are free to define your target audience.

Swallow – A noise measuring application that enables students to find the noise level of places, and develop their personal noise profile to improve their future noise measuring experience

Swallow – A noise measuring application that enables students to find the noise level of places, and develop their personal noise profile to improve their future noise measuring experience

Table of Contents

Target audience

For the design exercise, I have identified the target audience to be university students (age 21 - 26). Studying is a key activity performed by university students, and productivity is a huge factor in this activity. As explained in the design prompt, noise can play a huge role in affecting one’s performance and productivity, and I will examine the problems university students face with noise and how the problem can be tackled.

User Research


To recruit participants, convenience sampling was used, where I recruited my friends who were university students. To this end, I recruited a total of 3 interviewees (22M, 24M and 22F).

User Research Design

To better understand the problems that university students face with noise and how an application that measures noise levels can help them, I decided to use semi-structured interviews for the user research.

As there was a given design prompt, I felt that some form of structure was necessary to appropriately direct the interview. The nature of semi-structured interviews allows me to explore a largely unexplored space. It also enables me to further probe and explore interesting and critical events brought up by the interviewees.

Retrospective questions